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How did you get your username? Empty How did you get your username?


Community Moderator
Community Moderator
Community Moderator
A couple years back my dad was showing me the zodiac signs and I found them very interesting, we looked up our family signs and discovered we were all Gemini except my brother who is a pieces. I though it was a wicked name so i decided to use it, I realize there are a lot of Gemini's out there so i changed it to be unique it is now "GeMinEye".
Community Moderator
Community Moderator
BliZZvET Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 1:11 am
Well... My user name is a mix of numbers and a word but the "5914" bit of my username is my student number that I have had for as long as I can remember, the "Thanatos" bit comes with my fascination of Greek mythology, I always thought that it would be allot cooler than Christianity, but anyways "Thanatos" is the Greek god of death and i thought it was pretty cool name so that why i chose it Laughing
Onesimus Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 3:31 am
Mine is ancient Russian/Greek name that I found on a website :/ I really like it though because I'm Russian and it's sort cool I guess Smile
G@MeF@Ce Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 3:48 am

I always had the dream to start my own "game" company and become the new "face" in the gaming industry.
I had so much to learn switching things up from~
writing lyrics, music recording, and freehand art to~
spriting/graphic design, scripting, eventing, making great stories, etc...
so I did a lot of learning on the "101" level.

passing through forums I would rock "gameface101" as my user name, but now that is the name of this site and I go by "G@MeF@Ce"
(with the "@" signs)
BluE Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 5:18 am
I'm not sure. If I did try to explain it, I would have to go really deep and long winded into my psychology. Maybe because I liked the colour. It didn't take me long to make it, legit like 5 seconds of thinking. It summaries my personality and likes/stuff in one word. Somewhere along the line (ok, I know exactly when) I capatalised the "e" after trying to change my name to different things but never really finding what I wanted. I also liked how Liquid`HerO capitalized his "o" so I thought I might try it out with my "e". I'm not going to lie when I say I sometimes think about changing my name, but in the end I can't find a new one that suits me with the simplicity and imperfection/perfection of "BluE". I guess it's like trying to change who you are or trying to ignore who you really are on the inside, but then in the end nothing can replace that (for the worse). I could go in deeper (haha Inception) but I don't really think that people would appreciate reading an essay on my thought processes. Besides, I'm probably only writing this because I'm listening to that sort of music right now.
tl;dr huehuehueh "BluE" *goofy dance* durrr....
MotionM Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 4:09 pm
I have various, such as M, MotionM, and MShinigaki.
M is because it's the first letter of my name (Matt). MotionM was because I was trying to think of a cool username for my blog and one of my favorite bands during the time of thinking that was Motionless In White, they have a lead singer named Chris Motionless, so I sorta got it from that.
MShinigaki is just M and Shinigaki together. I was obsessed with Death Note and they have a Shinigami, who is the God of Death in Japanese. I googled to look up more on it and in Japan they actually use Shinigaki instead of Shinigami like in the US.
BluE Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 5:09 pm
MotionM wrote:
MShinigaki is just M and Shinigaki together. I was obsessed with Death Note and they have a Shinigami, who is the God of Death in Japanese. I googled to look up more on it and in Japan they actually use Shinigaki instead of Shinigami like in the US.
Case of otaku.
MotionM Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 5:22 pm
I didn't even know what Otaku was then. I still barely know, haha
I don't even watch anime anymore unless it's DBZ, old Naruto, One Piece, or Death Note. And I watch them like once a year.
BliZZvET Re: How did you get your username? 18/4/2012, 6:32 pm

dont worry M\'s trade mark, BlueE is more of an weebo the evolved form of otaku. Laughing
BluE Re: How did you get your username? 19/4/2012, 5:06 am
I'm definitely not a weeabo... for one thing, I'm not obsessed with any Japanese anime/manga and I don't speak like kawaii-desune ohaiogozaimas (lol poor english flip of kanji). Otaku is actually more acceptable than weeabo as it means you're just strongly obsessed with something rather than just mange/anime and speaking pseudo-Japanese.

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