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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
#1 Summoners War Game Empty Summoners War Game


Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Summoners War Game Summoners-war-hacks-00
Summoners War

I thought I'd never play such an addicting multiplayer game for the phone/tablet. There are tons of games that I've played already that are nearly similar: Puzzles and Dragons, Chain Chronicles, Brave Frontier, etc. It's even on top of the Google Play Store of all of those games.

But what is Summoner's War? It's far different than the Clash of Clans genre. It's more of a "Collect and Evolve" game. Early on in the game you go through the campaign dungeons with your team, all with a wide range of different skills to use, hopefully collecting more monsters as they drop, probably rarely, however you do get summoning scrolls that have a chance to summon a monster as well.

Summoners War Game Latest?cb=20140703112332

Your monsters have a certain star rating, likely 2 or 3 stars. By getting them to the highest level of that rank you can spend, for example, 3 three-starred monsters to get that monster to the next rank, rank 4. As your main character levels you get the chance of getting a mystical scroll, which can summon a higher ranked monster, 3-5*.

Runes become valuable and almost give your endless possible ways to make your monsters stronger. You get six slots for runes and throughout the campaign dungeons, the levels drops certain slotted runes (level 1, slot 1. level 2, slot 2, etc.). Summoners War Game Rune100

The Arena, probably best to avoid at early levels, is the PVP aspect of Summoner's War. You pit four of your monsters against four of theirs. If you win, you get Glory Points, which can purchase some of the Arena-based buildings, to make your arena attempts stronger, or more scrolls!

There is a big, pressuring aspect of Pay2Win. The monsters you do get are random. The chances of you getting a 3* monster from a regular summoning scroll is very low, but worth it when you do, especially at the beginning. The chances of even getting a 4* monster from a Mystical Scroll (3-5*) are possibly even lower. The Korea-based company, Com2Us, offers pretty steep P2W offers, like $30 average package deals, which are actually kind of worth it for the average cost of Crystals that are in the shop.

Summoners War Game 4_summoners_war_sky_arena

Crystals are a type of currency that let Free2Play players get the Pay2Win rewards, just slower. You get a free-like Mystical Scroll with 75 crystals. With 750 Crystals you can get a Premium Pack, which should be your first thing you do buy with crystals. In it carries 11 Mystical Scrolls, 100k blue crystals (main currency, it takes 10k blue crystals to use the Mystical Scroll, so you're getting the money to pay to use the scrolls), and random angelmon of each attribute. Angelmon give you more XP to a monster.

Com2Us are very generous with their events. Currently there's an event that gets you a free monster, that's pretty rare to come about, just for signing up! Usually monthly-based events and sometimes weekly events take place that if you do a certain type of thing, like spend 50 energy, you get 50 energy back, or kill a certain amount of monsters in dungeons then you get a chunk load of crystals. There is always an event that's going that you can benefit from!

A new feature is Guild Wars, probably more orientated for higher levels and players with great monsters. You can join a guild and you can face off 10v10 or 20v20. You get to have two battles with a single person, up to three times. If your guild mates can get your opponents to 30% then you win! At the end of the week you get Guild points that you can buy stuff from the Guild shop, much like the Glory Shop.

Summoners War Game FullSizeRender-1024x315

I highly suggest you get into this game. After a point it does become grinding and slow, but it's definitely an amazing way to spend extra time. Since you re-gain energy after you level up, you can probably get to level 10-14 in your first sitting. The max level is 40. I've been playing for I believe two months now and level 30, although with some pretty poor monsters compared to most. People do complain that if you want to get to late=game or end-game than you'd have to be really lucky or simply pay Com2Us for a lot of scrolls, which even then still come down to luck. Let me know if you start playing and I'll add you! I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff that goes on, but it's really a game that you have to try.
Poster Mcposty
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#2 Summoners War Game Empty Re: Summoners War Game


these card-type collect and evolve games do so well since it's simple fun.
we could of made one of these ourselves :0p

I'm going to trial your recommendation ++ thx M\'s trade mark mr.best reviews ever!
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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
#3 Summoners War Game Empty Re: Summoners War Game


Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
It's a lot more fun than the card collecting ones I personally think.

Could make a similar system on here. After a certain amount of posts you can unlock monsters, or cards, and play in the Thunderdome Wink
Poster Mcposty
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#4 Summoners War Game Empty Re: Summoners War Game


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I love that game, and actually a person in the family Jon Berger, is in to it to the point where hes part of a clan and so on. ill try to get him to comment on this thread.

Nice review MotionM.

i love these games but in the end, its not like LOL.. theres a point of no return where you gotta pay to compete..

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