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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Just installed it on my iPod. Addicting, so addicting. The name of it in the Apple store is called "Curiousity - What's inside the cube" by 22cans.
Source: DEVELOPER Peter Molyneux's latest title has hit the Apple App store and is already captivating users.
Molyneux created some classic God games, including Populous, and Black & White. His latest game, Curiosity, is a puzzle, and it is a rather puzzling one.
Players are expected to chip away at a box to find out what is inside it. We do not know what that is, and it's up to the winner to tell us.
The game is something of an experiment. "Joining hopefully thousands of people on the journey to the centre of the cube is going to be a fascinating experiment that we will share with the world. Remember you could be the single person to find out what TRULY amazing thing lies in the centre," says publisher 22 Cans on its Facebook page.
"Thank you for sticking with us, it's been a couple of very stressful and fascinating weeks but the moment is finally upon us. What device will you be using to explore your curiosity?"
Device options, for now, are limited to the Apple farm, but an Android version will follow, we aren't sure when. The IOS release has come out a day early, and caught Molyneux by surprise.
Just installed it on my iPod. Addicting, so addicting. The name of it in the Apple store is called "Curiousity - What's inside the cube" by 22cans.
Poster Mcposty
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CyberSpace Pirate
CyberSpace Pirate
CyberSpace Pirate
i tried connecting to the server but it was too busy i think they need to upgrade their server
CyberSpace Pirate
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CyberSpace Pirate
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Works fine for me. What are you using to run it (Ipod, android)? Mine crashes a lot randomly though.
Poster Mcposty
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