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Are you one of those movie buffs that enjoy b-rated sci-fi horror action drama covered in extra cheese made of bad timing, cheap props, and poor acting??? Then this is the topic thread for you!
Feel free to share your b-rated cheesey experiences and recommendations +
To start things off I have two movies for you that has enough cheese to choke on...
An alcoholic cop in a small town gets tricked into becoming a werewolf by satanic shapeshifters only to backfire by the booze?
25th REICH:
5 US soldiers on an unexpected time traveling mission to stop Hitler's 25th Riech?
more cheese please :0p
Feel free to share your b-rated cheesey experiences and recommendations +
To start things off I have two movies for you that has enough cheese to choke on...
An alcoholic cop in a small town gets tricked into becoming a werewolf by satanic shapeshifters only to backfire by the booze?
- cheesiest part?:
- It has to be the scene when Lou is locked up in prison and turns into a werewolf and once transformed he growls for booze and donuts...
25th REICH:
5 US soldiers on an unexpected time traveling mission to stop Hitler's 25th Riech?
- cheesiest part?:
- Definitely the part where Capt. O'brien loses his innocence from a nazi robo spider.
more cheese please :0p
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Rubber is an intrestin movie to say the least.
Wolfcop: I liked it was intresting character choices made, and quite the mind fluck towards the end, "literally".
25th REICH: Some scenes where drawn out more then they where needed to be, or not really needed to be included. I guess the director wanted to get that point across that hilter really hates jews, how much? Well that much.... The Plot of the story was a little vage but it was touching on intresting new concepts of time travel in a sifi movie. The story line, well i suppose that if some organization makes a time machine, they would probilly try to keep it on the down low. So quite that not even the people running it new about it. Perhaps that was why they where chosen physciactrically, a side from that one seriously ill person... where put threw rigouris testing before they where plopped into the spot for the mission. Those people would have to quickly adapt to the world around them with out being told whats really there, because unless fully documented, they would have no clue anyways. Even then say the documents where wrong?
Wolfcop: I liked it was intresting character choices made, and quite the mind fluck towards the end, "literally".
25th REICH: Some scenes where drawn out more then they where needed to be, or not really needed to be included. I guess the director wanted to get that point across that hilter really hates jews, how much? Well that much.... The Plot of the story was a little vage but it was touching on intresting new concepts of time travel in a sifi movie. The story line, well i suppose that if some organization makes a time machine, they would probilly try to keep it on the down low. So quite that not even the people running it new about it. Perhaps that was why they where chosen physciactrically, a side from that one seriously ill person... where put threw rigouris testing before they where plopped into the spot for the mission. Those people would have to quickly adapt to the world around them with out being told whats really there, because unless fully documented, they would have no clue anyways. Even then say the documents where wrong?
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