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Poster Mcposty
Back to the underground! Empty Back to the underground!


Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Hey guys! I haven't forgetten about this place, just unfortunately neglecting to post (even though it's been a few years). I've kept this in my bookmarks in my toolbar since the last time I've been here.

Ahhh where to begin??? I don't even remember where I left off!

2015? I moved back to VA and worked with my parents at their repair shop/gas station. I pumped gas for customers for a year and a half. That location got sold by the owner to new people (shitty situation).

August of 2015: We moved to doing just auto repairs and eventually selling U-Hauls that I managed (good for resumes as a lot of employers are telling me that they're impressed by that). I played a Runescape varient called Darkscape, which was an open-world PVP version of Runescape. Ended up playing that every day until it closed 7 months later unfortunately. Also to mention that I wasn't making any money at this location as my dad was super stingy with money.

March of 2016: I got a new job at a gas station just a mile down the road from my dad's shop. It had a Subway/Arby's/Long John's Silver all inside of it, but I was just a general cashier for the snack/beer side of it. I worked there until this summer of 2017.

July of 2017: I joined the Navy! But...that didn't last long. I got pitifully diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and got disqualified while in boot camp because they based it off one depressive moment I had in boot camp when I didn't have one moment months before I went to boot camp nor any currently being out of boot camp, but they based it all on my past and high school stuff. I had to spend a month on base out-of-training in building with 700+ others called Separations, where it was split into 4 different rooms of 150+ people each. It was a really cool moment, but annoying. I'd describe it as an easier version of prison and a mental ward, except you got paid still and had decent boot camp food.
I found out my girlfriend tried to kill herself a few days after I left to boot camp, but I didn't find out until two weeks later, so it all worked out that I got to go home. I didn't get home until September 7th.

Now: I've been job hunting and more job hunting. My girlfriend currently works at Taco Bell and she got me the job there and I've been working there for 3 weeks now. Tuesday I have a job interview for Dish TV for installing and repairs, so I'm hoping that's the right direction for a career as the military didn't work out. Since of my "condition" I can no longer re-enlist in the military either, as they consider it "severe" when I'm really normal 99% of the time haha

Future: I am currently trying to start a podcast of talking about anything general/esports/influences/motivational stuff/Interviews (who wants to be on it??). I have all of it ready, except I have no computer to record it to the quality that I want it to be (1080p). Both of my current laptops can't do that. I asked one of my Separation friends to help produce it with me, but he's honestly so busy that we can't find time to start any episodes, so I might try to find a new one (anyone? lol). Pretty much you'd have to host the video recording software and skype call until I can get my computer fixed (just needs a $90 CPU, im hoping)

I'm really glad that this website is still active and you guys are keeping it alive! I think about you all often as you've helped me grow and keep my creative!
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l3s9sn0nmkaxmy7/Lrut_zZyWd http://motionmreview.blogspot.com/ https://twitter.com/_motionm
mr_wiggles Re: Back to the underground! 23/10/2017, 5:13 am
Glad to see ya back motionM, Sounds like you've had a busy but exciting time. Glad your girlfriend ended up getting back on her feet again. Retail sounds like an interesting area to work in, never worked as a cashier before.
G@MeF@Ce Re: Back to the underground! 3/11/2017, 6:40 am
no way this is too cool for school M\'s trade mark man it is good to be back, glad to see you and wiggles back at it again! This real life stuff really takes a toll on us...
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