Guest Access
I was Board so decided to map the keys, hopefully some one can find this more use full then I can. ~ lol
F11 = Opens Scripts
F3 = Repeats Previous Search
F4 = Move Up one script
F5 = Move Down one script
F6 = Name current script the selected Text
F10 = Show Normal Courser
PgUp = Scroll page up
PgDn = Scroll page down
Ins = Toggle type over mode
Home = Start of line
End = End of line
Tab = Insert line
Shift + Tab = UN-insert line
Alt + H = Help
Ctrl + [ = Scroll 1/2 page up
Ctrl + ] = Scroll 1/2 page down
Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + X = Cut Selected Text
Ctrl + C = Copy Selected Text
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + T = Swap currant line with above line
I.E. it will take line 10 and move it to line 9
and take line 9 and move it to line 10.
Ctrl + D = Copy current line to a new one bellow
Ctrl + M = Make a blank line
Ctrl + ?/ = Moves courser one word left
Ctrl + |\ = Moves courser one word right
Ctrl + Enter = Close and Accept changes
Ctrl + Up = Scroll up
Ctrl + Down = Scroll down
Ctrl + Left = Move courser left until space or "."
Ctrl + Right = Move courser right until space or "."
Ctrl + End = Bottom of page
Ctrl + Home = Top of page
Ctrl + H = Replace Text
Ctrl + I = Insert line
Ctrl + F = Find Text "in currant page"
Ctrl + Shift + F = Find Text "in all scripts"
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel up = Zoom in
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel down = Zoom out
F11 = Opens Scripts
F3 = Repeats Previous Search
F4 = Move Up one script
F5 = Move Down one script
F6 = Name current script the selected Text
F10 = Show Normal Courser
PgUp = Scroll page up
PgDn = Scroll page down
Ins = Toggle type over mode
Home = Start of line
End = End of line
Tab = Insert line
Shift + Tab = UN-insert line
Alt + H = Help
Ctrl + [ = Scroll 1/2 page up
Ctrl + ] = Scroll 1/2 page down
Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + X = Cut Selected Text
Ctrl + C = Copy Selected Text
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + T = Swap currant line with above line
I.E. it will take line 10 and move it to line 9
and take line 9 and move it to line 10.
Ctrl + D = Copy current line to a new one bellow
Ctrl + M = Make a blank line
Ctrl + ?/ = Moves courser one word left
Ctrl + |\ = Moves courser one word right
Ctrl + Enter = Close and Accept changes
Ctrl + Up = Scroll up
Ctrl + Down = Scroll down
Ctrl + Left = Move courser left until space or "."
Ctrl + Right = Move courser right until space or "."
Ctrl + End = Bottom of page
Ctrl + Home = Top of page
Ctrl + H = Replace Text
Ctrl + I = Insert line
Ctrl + F = Find Text "in currant page"
Ctrl + Shift + F = Find Text "in all scripts"
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel up = Zoom in
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel down = Zoom out
Show Signature
thanks Wiggles! ^,^
this is going to help me with my
Quest for RGSS
I didn't know there was so many useful shortcuts for the script editor.
this is going to help me with my
Quest for RGSS
I didn't know there was so many useful shortcuts for the script editor.
Show Signature
All this time and i've still only ever used, crtl+H,F,C,V,X, and Shift+Crtl+F.
By far my favorite is crtl+T.
By far my favorite is crtl+T.
Show Signature