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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
@Blue: You should try DFG on Ahri, can help a lot.
I found a Google Docs page for Counter-picking Remember friends, it only works if you play well
I found a Google Docs page for Counter-picking Remember friends, it only works if you play well
Poster Mcposty
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What should I replace with DFG and how will it help me?
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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
As I watch Meta gameplay, Start with Boots + 3 pots then when you go back, pick up a dorans or Kage's Pick (For GP5 and it builds into DFG). Looking at the recent picture you posted, DFG could have replaced Morello's although the team you were facing were pretty much all AD except for On-Hit Teemo. DFG can help you bring your opponent from 100% to about 10-0% if you burst all of your spells onto him. I'm seeing more Abyssal Scepters also on Ahri if youre having a hard time with your lane opponent, it helps with MR and reduces their MR by 20%. Im seeing less Rylai s on her as I watch the current Meta (But dont let it stop you, the Meta doesnt always need to be followed)
Poster Mcposty
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When do I get deathcap? I find that the spellvamp on revolver is pretty vital too, especially when I dive. I usually get it as my first item
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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
If youre getting messed up by an AD (like their Top is doing pretty good) or an AD jungler, Zhonyas is a good choice. Usually Boots, Kages (/andor Dorans), then Needlessly Large Rod should suffice for an early build then build NLR into a Zhonyas or Deathcap. WotA/Hextech can be good but if you have the 21/x/x masteries then you get enough Spell Vamp which should hold off in laning phase along with 3/pots. What are you using for Runes?
Poster Mcposty
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Magic Pen. marks, AP over level glyphs and flat armour seals. I used to use flat mana regen seals (or was it over lvl??).
How my build usually goes.
Boots-2hp pots-1manapot
hextech revolver-wards
WotA or Needlessly large rod
Sceptre or Void staff
How my build usually goes.
Boots-2hp pots-1manapot
hextech revolver-wards
WotA or Needlessly large rod
Sceptre or Void staff
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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
You could try Mag. Pen reds, Hp/lvl Yellows (If you want a tanky late game), or Mana Regen if you do run out of mana fast and jungler doesn't share blue, Magic resist for blues help in lane a lot. I believe it gives you 17 MR at lvl 1 and that can stop a lot of damage.
For items, mana pots arent really needed unless youre going to be super aggressive and waste mana. When laning you just want to autoattack minions and not push your lane far (When you have your creeps up to their tower, it gives your opponent more xp because their minions will be trying to kill yours and youll be losing xp by not being around and it also makes your susceptible to ganks). You should try to save most of your mana to make a clear kill or a clear attempt to get your opponent down (carefully timing your Charm and Orb at the same time is a nice combo because the Blue wisp is sends out can hide the Pink wisp of the Charm and sometimes your opponent doesnt see it).
From what I typed above about no pushing the lane, Im not saying not to Orb, just try not to spam it often as it will give you no mana when you really need it.
If your lane does get pushed far, you can either take the wraith camp or go buy. Wraiths have a 50 second respawn so if your jungler is ganking, youre safe to take the camp. The entire camp gives 39 gold and 140 xp so it helps get you to lvl 6 faster and if you get to lvl 6 before your opponent then it makes it that much easier to secure a kill.
As for WotA/Hextech, your passive gives you 35% vamp for every 9 hits a spell hits. Combined with 3 health pots, you can stay in lane for a long time. If youre getting knocked down easily, get a WotA/Hextech but if youre winning lane/snowballing, you can get it later in the game (After Deathcap should be good)
Your overall masteries should look like this:
I think I wrote too much. e.o
For items, mana pots arent really needed unless youre going to be super aggressive and waste mana. When laning you just want to autoattack minions and not push your lane far (When you have your creeps up to their tower, it gives your opponent more xp because their minions will be trying to kill yours and youll be losing xp by not being around and it also makes your susceptible to ganks). You should try to save most of your mana to make a clear kill or a clear attempt to get your opponent down (carefully timing your Charm and Orb at the same time is a nice combo because the Blue wisp is sends out can hide the Pink wisp of the Charm and sometimes your opponent doesnt see it).
From what I typed above about no pushing the lane, Im not saying not to Orb, just try not to spam it often as it will give you no mana when you really need it.
If your lane does get pushed far, you can either take the wraith camp or go buy. Wraiths have a 50 second respawn so if your jungler is ganking, youre safe to take the camp. The entire camp gives 39 gold and 140 xp so it helps get you to lvl 6 faster and if you get to lvl 6 before your opponent then it makes it that much easier to secure a kill.
As for WotA/Hextech, your passive gives you 35% vamp for every 9 hits a spell hits. Combined with 3 health pots, you can stay in lane for a long time. If youre getting knocked down easily, get a WotA/Hextech but if youre winning lane/snowballing, you can get it later in the game (After Deathcap should be good)
Your overall masteries should look like this:
I think I wrote too much. e.o
Poster Mcposty
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Global Moderator
Global Moderator
Global Moderator
that was pretty elaborate M highly detailed i feel like i can mid ahri.. i like the xp counting and gold.. respawn counter.. i learned some stuff.. thanks!
4 ranked carries in a row. with a lulu normal break inbetween
4 ranked carries in a row. with a lulu normal break inbetween
Global Moderator
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Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Poster Mcposty
Just recently bought Sona with the latest win I got so I need to try her for a support.
The latest match, Me and an AP Mid Ez kind of carried the game for us with leadership. I have about 13 total games with Nunu including playing as Support but about 8/10 times I play Nunu, I seem to win games even if I go Jungle. Nunu jungle works so well since Consume does so much and you can replace Smite with it on your first buff and you can just consume + smite your next buff so you can have both buffs at around lvl 3.
Malphite's ult is huge and Malphite shines when he is past 6 because of his ult.
The Amumu game was my first time as Amumu since I made a second account and he seemed alright. My team was really derp. Our Corki DC'd and lost us 2 towers and our Riven farmed top the entire game and never came down even when they took our 2nd Mid tower. His Ultimate is huge because it stuns and doesn't allow them to attack.
Corki is a strong Burst-AD champion so you can get away with building Trinity Force and it can do so much damage early game. You can get a Phage for the HP and On-hit effect early on or you can get the Sheen for the on-hit effect. Or you can just get the Zeal for the AS + crits. It really works on Corki. His ult can do a lot as every 4 shots, the next does more damage. He is getting nerfed this patched though with time to get ammo for his ult is increasing and the CD on his Escape is getting increased.
I did bad this game because we had a First Time Twisted Fate and he rarely Gold Carded and never ulted and when he did/just decided to come bottom, his mid + the jungler followed and just camped the bot lane.
The latest match, Me and an AP Mid Ez kind of carried the game for us with leadership. I have about 13 total games with Nunu including playing as Support but about 8/10 times I play Nunu, I seem to win games even if I go Jungle. Nunu jungle works so well since Consume does so much and you can replace Smite with it on your first buff and you can just consume + smite your next buff so you can have both buffs at around lvl 3.
Malphite's ult is huge and Malphite shines when he is past 6 because of his ult.
The Amumu game was my first time as Amumu since I made a second account and he seemed alright. My team was really derp. Our Corki DC'd and lost us 2 towers and our Riven farmed top the entire game and never came down even when they took our 2nd Mid tower. His Ultimate is huge because it stuns and doesn't allow them to attack.
Corki is a strong Burst-AD champion so you can get away with building Trinity Force and it can do so much damage early game. You can get a Phage for the HP and On-hit effect early on or you can get the Sheen for the on-hit effect. Or you can just get the Zeal for the AS + crits. It really works on Corki. His ult can do a lot as every 4 shots, the next does more damage. He is getting nerfed this patched though with time to get ammo for his ult is increasing and the CD on his Escape is getting increased.
I did bad this game because we had a First Time Twisted Fate and he rarely Gold Carded and never ulted and when he did/just decided to come bottom, his mid + the jungler followed and just camped the bot lane.
Poster Mcposty
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Eh, malphite. I've been playing him a lot recently and somehow I manage to carry the game as a tank. I use Ahri's AP runes with flat armour seals (yellow) instead of mana regen. It works out pretty well since Malph actually runs off ap...
I'll show a screenshot some time. I can get 10+ kills if it's going well...dat ulti. Like Ahri's charm but guarantee success.
I'll show a screenshot some time. I can get 10+ kills if it's going well...dat ulti. Like Ahri's charm but guarantee success.
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