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The World's easiest way to create point-and-click games
and virtual tours for Windows, PSP, iPhone, and iPod touch!
Quickly create point-and-click games and virtual tours for
Windows (native), PSP, iPhone and iPod Touch (web apps)!
No programming required - very easy to use!
Free edition contains all the main features!
Includes free drawing tool and music composer!
View More Free Videos Online at
Download Adventure Maker 4.5.2 Free Edition (16MB)
go visit for more info~
and virtual tours for Windows, PSP, iPhone, and iPod touch!
Quickly create point-and-click games and virtual tours for
Windows (native), PSP, iPhone and iPod Touch (web apps)!
No programming required - very easy to use!
Free edition contains all the main features!
Includes free drawing tool and music composer!
View More Free Videos Online at
Download Adventure Maker 4.5.2 Free Edition (16MB)
go visit for more info~
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Some limitations found in the help file -
A Wiggly Review:
- Spoiler:
User Interface:
The Program uses A bunch of drawn images put together in what they call "Slides", each inter action is drawn in the same image.
(Say there is a light, you drawn the area around the light with the light off, then draw the same picture but with the light on)
It is also nice that they included a few sample games to view, and a tutorial including picture files, for the creation of the slides.
Sample point and click games include -
360 degree panorama WITHOUT scripting
First person game WITHOUT scripting
Memory Game (scripting)
Othello (scripting)
Sample game for iPhone-iPodTouch
Sample game for PSP
Slider Puzzle (scripting)
Third person game WITHOUT scripting
Seems simple to learn and has detailed instructions and help file.
This is a "free version", so some of the advanced features are locked from use. It also has some limitations to what can be done in the program.
(listed Below, in another spoiler)
This program uses a script software called, VBS - Visual Basic Scripting.
(Wikipedia link about VBS.)
Some limitations found in the help file -
- Spoiler:
The limitations of this version are:
- The software created for PSP, iPhone and iPod touch has limited features. See Creating software for PSP and Creating software for iPhone / iPod touch.
- You cannot directly use the inventory while in a panoramic frame (however, it is possible to go to a 2D frame and use the inventory there). A workaround consists in using a variable to remember that the item has been picked up.
- Some features are not available in panoramic frames (e.g. the Rippling Water Effect) and/or in 3rd person games.
- Some languages are not supported, because of non-ASCII characters.
- Systems with the fonts set to "Large Fonts" are not supported.
- Applying the Rippling Water effect to an area that is under the inventory button will result in the inventory button being partially hidden.
- You cannot drag-and-drop items from the inventory onto the hotspots that come from a merged frame (i.e. a frame that has been merged to other frames by using the "Runtime Frames Merging" command of the Project Menu of Adventure Maker).
- Due to the fact that most sound cards have only one synthesizer, you cannot play two MIDI files at the same time. Therefore, it is impossible to cross-fade two MIDI files.
- The following commands cannot be executed from within the Frame Properties: GoToFrame, PopupLoadGame and PopupSaveGame. A simple workaround consists in using the following code inside a global procedure and then calling the procedure:
CreateTimedEvent 0.1, "COMMANDNAME"
(where you must replace COMMANDNAME with the name of a command, like "PopupSaveGame")
- If the frame size is the same as the current screen resolution, it is not possible to apply the rippling water effect to the very right part of the image.
The GIFs and animated-GIFs limitations are:
- In the editor, right-clicking on an animated-GIF will not cause the popup menu to appear (you have to left-click instead).
- The imported animated-GIFs cannot include transparency.
- The hotspots containing animated-GIFs cannot be duplicated (a simple work-around consists in unchecking the "Is an animated-GIF" option, then duplicating, and then checking the "In an animated-GIF" option again).
- During the real-time transitions, GIF transparency is disabled (the transparent pixels appear as black).
- It is not possible to change the "speed" of an animated-GIF that already contains its own speed information.
- Animated GIFs don't appear in panoramic frames.
To get rid of those limitations (except transparency), it is recommended that you replace your animated-GIFs with "looping videos".
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